Category: Season 1

  • Garden Rigging

    Garden Rigging

    How does it all work – what goes where and how do you make the sail go up? Tape measures out!

  • Bringing Ruby Home

    Bringing Ruby Home

  • Testing a Lune Whammel

    So after looking at Ruby we thought it would be good to test one out make sure it sailed well and we liked the experieince, Also a huge consideration was Shackle, out black lab who is still young and has been on a yacht and a canoe and seems ok but has never been dinghy…

  • Buying a boat

    Buying a boat

    Whilst at the coat on holiday we decided that time had come for us to get a boat again. We have had several from single handers to performance raceing dinghys but this time it would be a traditional dayboat – a trailer sailor with space for sleeping and a keel or heavy centre board. We…